Women's Ministry
Women’s Ministries seeks to foster spiritual growth and renewal among women, minister to the broad spectrum of women’s needs across the life span and find ways and means to challenge each Seventh-day Adventist woman to use her gifts to compliment the talent of others as they work to further the global mission of the church.
Lifestyle Ministries
Helping teach a healthier lifestyle through exercise, being active and eating right.
Men's Ministry
The Men's Ministries Department engages the men of the church in ministries geared towards the community as well as the improvement of the spiritual lives of the members. It is hoped that this will bring about a closer, spiritual church family.
ACS - Adventist Community Services
Adventist Community Services is the official community outreach ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist church in the North American Division territories which comprises of North America, Guam and Micronesia, and Bermuda. ACS serves the whole person, a concept known as holistic ministry whose mission is to “serve communities in Christ’s name”. Visit the official website at https://www.communityservices.org/